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Tactical meeting variations

We frequently get feedback that Tactical meetings follow a strict process. Which is true – you can read it here (Article 4.2.3) as it is defined in the constitution. And it is not true – in this blog post we want to share a couple of variations you can use within this process.

Let's take the meeting process step by step. And remember it's up to you to decide how you want to fill the tactical time you have as a circle.

The check-in

  • Min: Just give a thumbs up, a quick nod, say "check."

  • Max: Meditate for a minute and then share what got your attention

The pre-amble: checklists, metrics & project updates

It's there to build together a 'radar overview' of where the circle stands. But actually, you could just skip it. You have the option to include checklists, metrics, project updates – but if they are not there then just let it go.


By constitution are just quick yes/no's. If you need more then maybe add it as a metric? Or it benefits better to be on the agenda. You could just trigger that with a checklist saying something like "is there news on topic X, which I will put on the agenda to process?"


  • Min: just share the numbers. Or not even that. Just show the dashboard on the screen and have people read it for a couple of seconds after which they can add tensions (by themselves) to the agenda.

  • Max: role by role you give the metrics number from the dashboard and add a couple of comments to it why the number is the number – share what you believe is really interesting for the circle to know!

Project updates

  • Min: Say "no updates" or "will share info/need/action/... in separate agenda items."

  • Max: go project by project and share the highs/lows of the progress you made. Typically amazing things happen when you are transparent about things that are not going so well.

Processing tensions

  • Min: Say "I want to inform the group that I have taken the following action ..." - no discussion.

  • Max: Use the time to facilitate a group discussion on a particular topic. For these discussions, it is essential to assure that spending this time adds value (is likely to) for all participants. If the topic only concerns a few of the participants, it is a better idea to book dedicated time for this topic outside of the tactical meeting.

Closing round

  • Min: "Great meeting."

  • Max: Lengthy reflection, possibly introducing new bits of information. 

Is this variation not yet enough for you? One more suggestion!

  • Anything that happens in the tactical meeting can be done outside the tactical meeting. You can share your metrics online, work out loud with a continuous stream of project updates on an open communication platform, and solve tensions as they occur between roles.